Thursday, March 10, 2011

East Austin field trip

Wow, another day of getting a lot done, and still kind of feeling like it wasn't enough! I had a great time trying though! The only thing I didn't get done that was actually on the list, was going to the grocery store - I was able to talk myself out of that fairly easily by reasoning that if I get fruits and veggies too soon before the trip they might go bad before I get to them - sound logic! ;)

My first order of business was to help Brandy get that couch into her apartment. Being the super muscular women that we are, we just dragged the sucker down the hallway. Though, as soon as we got to the door we realized we had a logistics problem - skinny hallway, skinny door, wide couch. And who you may wonder came stumbling up those stairs just at that moment? Yep, Leslie. Drunk as a skunk, but totally down to lend a hand. He actually solved the spacial relations issue we had come across and threw in some physical labor too!

After I thanked Leslie with a beer, and invited him to sign my car, I had a really quick lunch with Brandy, which wasn't on the list, but was a nice surprise. My first 'written in stone' thing to do today was to meet for a picnic with Shawna and Autumn in Zilker Park. I was looking forward to giving them these matching necklaces I had gotten for us, but also I just wanted to chill out with them, I think that might actually have been the first time that just us three have hung out. Anyways, we sat with the dogs on the south side of rock island and watched this crazy kite surfing guy for a while. As it turned out, I had messed up the online ordering thing, but lucked out and ended up getting a free pizza out of it! So we chowed down on that while Phoenix and Bobo sniffed around and whimpered anxiously. We left when it started to get chilly, I really didn't want to say goodbye, god, I'm going to miss the hell out of those two!

After the park I went home to change, and then over to my old roommate Nancy's house. I had been kind of afraid that I wouldn't get to see her before I left, so when we finally set something up last night I was very relived. Rick and Carl were over too, they are the across-the-pool neighbors. We all hung out and caught up on recent happenings, its weird, I used to see those guys everyday, but before today it had been months! Carl gave me a gift card to Twin Liquors, and Nancy gave me a $20 with specific instructions to buy this super yummy smelling body wash she had that we all decided probably wouldn't be an easy find in Alaska. I'm glad we all got to hang out, they always make me feel so at home even though I haven't lived there in ages!

I continued my east-side field trip and headed over to my friend Matt's house. I had plenty of stuff to pay his way, mostly kitchen gear, but also a few books that I wanted him to have. I get along well with him for a few reasons, but one of the reasons I've kept such an eye on him, is that he's doing what I'm right about to do. Packed a few bags and left to a town thousands of miles away, sight unseen - and, from what I can tell, has changed and grown for the better. While I was over, we watched this really interesting documentary called Fat Head. Definitely an interesting perspective - I think I'd like to watch it again some time when I'm not brain dead and half asleep. I must mention that when he signed my car, he added the first '23' - well done ;) By the way, the ceiling is almost full, I'm so glad I chose to go the chalk board direction, its come out better than I ever expected!

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