Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Drink sunsets.

Sorry for not adding a blog last night, I came home and dropped right into bed!

Well,  I woke up yesterday with a long list of things to do, first of which was to get a little vehicle 101 for the road c/o David. He also wanted to give my car a once-over to make sure everything under the hood looked road worthy - she passed! Though he did tell me to get new tires and an oil change before I take off.

My good intentions were pleasantly diverted when I reminded Brandy that we still had to have purple margaritas, and if we didn't do it now, we may not have another chance before I leave. Purple ritas are the signature drink at Baby Acapulco's - they are roomered to contain Everclear, and you are only allowed two. These have been a past-time of Brandy and mine for years, so the prospect of missing our last set was really not an option - even at 1:00pm ;)

We had a great time sitting on the patio, eating chips and salsa and drinking our purples. I'm really going to have a hard time with out her, she is my partner in crime, my sister, my voice of reason, my mirror, oh, and also shes my best friend ;) So, we spent the afternoon solving the worlds problems - as we usually do ;) Then went home for a well earned afternoon cat-nap.

I got a few more things together at my apartment, took out a few loads of trash and left some offerings down at the mail box. Now, I'm sure this happens at other complexes, but its new to me; here people leave things on the mailboxes that are basically too cool to throw away, but not really worth the trip to goodwill. I've gotten my fair of fun junk, and have probably passed-on enough stuff to sink a ship :P

Its been a long standing tradition that Tuesdays = Uncle Billy's. So around 5:30 the usual suspects met up on the porch for our $2 pints and the Big Nate's plate (french fries and onion rings with cheese and avocado - I know) In addition to the usual subjects, Bonnie met us too :) She came for the company, but also to give me some mix CDs for the road! She is such a sweet heart, I'm so blessed to have such awesome, strong, inspirational women to call my friends!

After that, without revealing too many details that aren't up for public display, I met up with Sophie and a couple friends for dinner. I suppose things could have gone one of two ways, but I feel like it actually went really well, and perhaps some burned bridges got their first phase of a re-build? Hope so. Sophie gave me this really cool print of Sark's - How to be Really Alive I love it, and it's coming along as one of the few frivolous things I'm taking with me to Alaska!

Now to power through today. I have a lot on my plate, and will probably be out until the wee hours again, so you may or may not hear from me this evening, but at the very least I'll be sure to get a re-cap out in the morning :)

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