Saturday, March 12, 2011

Shredding into the Sunset

Well, this post will probably be pretty short, the place were staying doesnt seem to have internet,  so this is being pecked out on my phone.

We left our green motel around 8:00 this morning and headed down to the next town for breakfast. Not a lot of options were available,  so we ended up at a non-drive-in Sonic. Swear to god, it took over an hour to get our food!

We had a lot of ground to cover today in order to meet Jason in Bisbee. About 10 hours is what we were figuring. Hit the road again, nearly ran out of gas before we found the most expensive gas in the trip so far, $4.19/gal!

We jammed my new mix CDs all day, and I don't think there was a single moment all day when we couldn't see mountains :) So beautiful!! El Paso seemed to take forever to get to, but was surprisingly cool to drive through - not really what I was expecting!

Bye, Texas!
Leaving Texas was fun, I got out and took some pictures,  I'll tac one up here when I get some wifi! We burned through New Mexico really fast, and the view was spectacular the whole way :)

Arizona gave us an amazing sunset which just got better and better with time. Mike, we totally shredded into the sunset with your mix CD - it was glorious ;)

On our way to Bisbee we pulled off in Douglas to find batteries, unaware of our actual location,  we came dangerously close to stumbling into Mexico. Haha oops!

We finally pulled into Bisbee around 7pm, this place is so cool! Its a badass old artist town on this hillside, I haven't seen it in the day time but saw some pictures at dinner and it looks awesome - I can't wait to wake up and check it out tomorrow!

We met up with Jason,  and he gets huge points for finding a very sweet hotel.  Its a room in what looks to be an old house above some shops on Brewery Street.  Walking distance to all sorts of good bars and restaurants!

Silver King Hotel - the little apartment on the top right was our room
Sorry,  trying to keep this short has proved difficult,  I just have so much to share!  Tomorrow were going to be checking out the town and hiking in this nearby park. Crashing in Phoenix at Jason's,  so I should have no problem with internet :)

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