Thursday, March 3, 2011


So this was the last day of waking up early (for work) in my very near future (tomorrow, my last day, I go in at 12pm.) I wasn't quite as chipper today as I was yesterday morning, but this cold seems to coming in waves. Work went great, and I actually did begin to tackle cleaning out my desk. It didn't feel that unnatural, I had put that stuff there, and it was mine to take back out.

We had a meeting that lasted past when I was supposed to leave, so when I finally did get out an hour later I was kind of antsy to get to the bank for my rent money. By the way, my pro-rated rent for 11 days + water was $194. Yessss! After the bank I went to pick up sushi rice to start cooking for tonights dinner at Doug's. I got the rice cooking and traded between painting my car and tending the rice for the next hour or so (if you haven't had the pleasure of cooking sushi rice, it takes a lot of attention) But, I finished painting my car's ceiling! It looks so good! I took a picture, but the sun had already gone down, so it didn't come out very well.

Well, so once the car was finished I packed up all my sushi supplies (kit, wasabi, chopsticks, ect) and a huge pot of rice and headed next door to Doug's apartment. He had beers poured (bless him) and veggies chopped! We made batch after batch of sushi - more than any of us needed, I have lunch for tomorrow covered :) We hung out for a while after, listening to music and bullshitting. Doug gave me some cold weather gear that I checked out, we all lingered till about 11 and then made our separate ways.

I just gotta say, I have been so lucky to live so close to my best friends. Brandy lives two doors down from me on the same floor, I can spit on Mike's porch (though I rarely do ;) and Doug lives maybe 100 yards from me. Its been amazing to have this set up, nothing short of ideal, and will definitely be sought out again in the future!

Tomorrow is my going away party! I'm so excited! I usually don't like a lot of focus on me, but it seems like the circumstances call for it anyways. Besides I'm also really excited for some of my friends who have never met to finally meet, and perhaps even become friends in my absence? I hope to fit in a blog tomorrow, but since the party begins right after work, it may at be short at best ;)

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