Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Top of the World

Nothing too exciting today, just lots of driving! I did however stumble upon my favorite view of the trip so far. Ironicly I don't think it photographed well, but I haven't uploaded the pictures from my camera yet, so we'll see. The Oregon coast is so beautiful, I would love to live up here one day, besides I think I could really get used to not pumping my own gas ;)
It was so much prettier than this, and I was standing on the edge of a super high cliff!

When I got into Lincoln City I dropped off some stuff at the hotel and took Phoenix to the beach. He loves running into the waves to bite the white water. Now he's a wet sandy mess, but I haven't peeled the comforter off this bed, so I guess he's not hurting anything.

I stopped off at a grocery store while running some errands and got the most fantastic build-your-own salad for dinner, those fresh veggies already have me feeling refreshed. I'm chilling now in the hotel room uploading photos to a photobucket account - its slow going because the internet connection isn't great, but I'll be sure to have the login info posted as soon as everything is up :)

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