Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rainy Day Dream Away...

I had so much fun exploring Seattle today, I hadn't even intended to go downtown, but I had trouble finding my hotel and decided to drive into the city. I maneuvered my way towards the Space Needle since honestly, that was the only thing I recognized. While driving around looking for parking I found something even more interesting! I had totally forgotten that Seattle has a Rock n Roll museum, I recognized it right away from the wild architecture. Mike was on the phone with me and he agreed I should skip the Needle and hit up the rock museum.
Prayer labyrinth outside the museum.
It was really neat, there was a whole exhibit on Jimi Hendrix which included a lot of his guitars, journals, and even one of his crazy velvet jumpsuits. There were a few other rooms of exhibits, but I liked the Hendrix one the most. After a few hours of looking, listening, and playing in the interactive music studio up stairs, I went for a little walk around the Space Needle - can you believe they want $18 per person to go up? Crazy!

'If VI was IX' @ the Experimental Music Project
Nope, I didn't go up :P

At that point I was starving so I popped into a sports bar across the way for a bite and a pint. Had these strange little fritter things for dinner - they were the only vegetarian item on the menu, kind of heavy but not bad. I also had a really good local IPA, I forgot the name already, I'll insert it later if I come across it again. Oh, one of the people in the booth behind me was going on and on to his friends about how cool Austin is, totally bitter-sweet.

The sun actually came out for a few mins, and the drive back to the hotel was nice. I *really* prefer dry roads, I need new tires and new windshield wipers so bad!! After being on the road solo for over a week, I'm really excited for my mom coming to hang out with me in Seattle tomorrow. She'll be here from tomorrow night till Saturday morning, not a lot of time, but I know we'll have fun while she's here :)

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