Saturday, March 5, 2011

One big, blurry hug :)

Ok, sorry for the little hic-up there! My party last night was so amazing that there was really no responsible way to blog during it ;)

So, yesterday was my last day of work. I got in at noon, cleaned out my desk, answered all my emails, organized my paper work ect, and the day really flew by. My boss even let me out a hair early so I could make it to my party on time :) It felt weird giving her my keys, and she even joked that I could still back out if I wanted to. Kathy, my boss, is such an awesome lady. She has been like a mom to me for years, I know its hurting her to let me go, but I think she definitely understands that I need to do this.

My master plan for painting the ceiling of my car was for all the people at my going away party (and the stragglers I'm hanging out with this week ;) to sign it. Which, by the way was a huge success,  I really enjoyed reading all the multi-colored love this morning. I hope to throw a picture of it up here, maybe tomorrow, again, the sun has gone down so taking a picture now wont really capture anything.

Anyways, the party was so much fun! I really could not have ordered a better evening :) It was like one big awesome (and slightly blurry) hug! We had the party at Uncle Billy's out on the porch, and at our peak had taken up four tables, but then gradually decreased to the two large picnic benches in the back. There were several people who I would have loved to see there, though could not make it, but on the whole, it was really perfect! Even got all of my 'moms' from the Nature Center out - which is kind of a big thing ;) The Mansfield ladies also showed, which I thought was very sweet, they've really been a second family to me for years and it  wouldn't have felt right without them!

Phase two of the party took place at my complex in Mike's back yard area, and this is also where the details get sketchy....I'm told my brother climbed to the roof....Ha, I also recall being told that I had no business blogging in my condition ;) I feel like it would have been a long string of random shout-outs, I love you's, and smiley faces.

This morning I woke up, and headed over to Brandy's for coffee. We chilled out and recounted the evening, (a phone call down to Mike revealed a few clues.) After words I had a really nice time having lunch with my mom. We went to La Feria (again, with the TexMex I'm afraid to leave behind) This was her turn to check and make sure my heads on straight. I thinks shes satisfied that I'm going for good enough reasons, though at the end of the day I think shes still hoping I'll back out. Shes such a huge part of my life, and definitely one of my best friends. Its going to be really rough not seeing her everyday.

Her and my dad came over to get some of the crap that I will be keeping at their house. Basically my hope chest, and a laundry basket of things I couldn't throw away. They also helped me get my humongous couch outside. Its still up here on the third floor, but at least the battle of getting it out the door is over. Jess is coming in the morning for it, hopefully she and her friends can get it downstairs safely. I was planning to be there to help her, but tomorrow is the kite festival so I may not actually be around.

Well, so after couch moving, Mike and I basically spent the rest of the day on the green belt. We hiked to 'the mountain' and chilled out up there for a while, I got kind of depressed for a bit, I think it was a combo of Mike's music, and again realizing the gravity of what I'm really doing. Moving 5,000 miles away from the all awesome, amazing people who love and support me is starting to become quite heavy. I know its not as big a deal as it would have been even 10 years ago, with computers, cell phones, Skype, ect I will be able to get a hold of anyone, basically anytime, but I don't know, it was just hitting me kind of hard.  I guess highs sometimes come with lows, and last night was definitely a high :) I really can't express how much fun that was, really, a perfect evening!!

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