Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I think I'm falling for Oregon

I overslept this morning and was a little late getting out of the room. This was unfortunate because I was hoping to hit the hot tub one more time before checking out. I packed up my car, which had now become a total wreck (again,) I grabbed some coffee and crossed the beautiful historic bridge spanning the bay just north of the hotel.

Please reserve your instinct to scold me, but shortly after taking off I picked up a couple of hitch hikers. They were a young married couple on their way home from the Rainbow Gathering. They've been on the road for months, and are nearly to their destination in Canada. The girl, Kacy's mom lives here in Coss Bay, so thats where I dropped them off. These poor kids were exhausted and starving, they ate up all the trail mix I could put my hands on. I'm not entirely sure what inspired me to pull over for them, but I know I made the right call.

I got to the room with some day light left, and took the opportunity to rearrange the car again. Oh, and I spoke too soon, this Motel 6 has a hot tub and a dry sauna! Oregon rocks! I got in the sauna, but the thermostat wasn't up very high so I didn't stay in too long.

I've been eating Subway almost everyday, and I just felt like tonight called for something different, I hadn't eaten at all today so I decided to splurge and get myself some Italian food - Phoenix and I split dinner, and it was much better than I expected!
Awesome fountain at the Italian place where I picked up dinner


  1. all your pictures look amazing! like out of a magazine! Missing you!!!!

  2. Awe, thanks Sophie! But this place sure makes it easy ;) I miss you too! Think Kaylee would like an Alaskan pen pal?
