Monday, March 7, 2011

Toaster trouble

This morning I woke up feeling kind of overwhelmed, so far this feeling had led to my being very productive, but today I just felt anxiety. I looked down to my phone and saw Brandy had texted me to come over for coffee. I thought a change of venue might help, so I went over for a few mins. I still felt antsy, so I headed back home and sat on my porch for some deep breathing. It took a while to get my head in the game, but once I did I decided to start slow and tackle something easy and fun. Music for the trip needed to be sorted anyways, so thats what I did for about an hour.

Brandy and I had planned to go visit Alex today but I only ended up with about 20 mins notice while I was waste deep in CDs and decisions. It worked out fine, though we only got to chill with Alex and her kids for about an hour. That was the first time I'd seen her new baby, pretty freakin cute! Him and big brother Arrion both have this cough that seems to be going around, Brandy and I have it too. It was good to see them all, Arrion is such a funny little boy, really smart too! I'm going to have to swing back by Alex's before I leave so she can sign my car - can't believe we took Brandy's car on accident!

After that I was still feeling a little off kilter, but didn't have much time to address it - doctor's appointment and I was already running late. Other than taking forever, the appointment went fine. I came back home and got back to the business of sorting through the last of my stuff. Junk drawer in my kitchen is now empty - yes! And most of my kitchen pantry got picked through by Mike. Oh, but thats not why I invited him up - this is funny! So, I went to remove my parent's toaster from the bottom shelf of my pantry (Mike insisted he take the doors off my pantry when I painted them so as to insure a pro-job) so, I go to get this toaster and its stuck, which is weird because it seemed to have room on all sides, until I investigate a little closer - Mike had drilled the pantry door right into the side of my toaster :P

My mom scooped me up to run some errands, which was really helpful because we ended up doing a couple things I probably would have skipped all together. After the running around, we went to Magnolia Cafe, one of my favorite quintessential Austin diners. Had to have that Mag Mud one more time before leaving town! Queso, black beans, fresh pico and avocado all mixed up for chip-dipping yumminess! We shot the shit for a little while, then she dropped me of at the Saloon to meet some neighbors for $1 LoneStar night. Only stayed for about an hour before my employed neighbors (suckas!) started yawning.

Tonight I think I'll go through a few more things in my kitchen, though I think I'm pretty much done :) Really just need to start cleaning, which I'm not that psyched about, but I really want my entire deposit back, so I'll do it! Man, it's really starting to look sparse in here! I think I'm also going to throw some photos up to their appropriate days, so flip back through if you care to, I think I should  have lots of eye candy up shortly!

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