Sunday, March 20, 2011

Walking on Broken Glass

This morning I woke up early and feeling really motivated to get on the road. I straightened up the room, did my best to catch up on the news and then hit the road. I was thinking it was Monday, so I was really frustrated by all the car shops being closed - (I need an oil change,) but when I stopped at a cool little side of the road joint it was pointed out to me that I was in plenty of time for breakfast, seeing as how it was Sunday - oops! ok, repair shops, you're forgiven :) So, this little diner was from right out of the movies, everyone knew and/or was related to everyone - this was a double edge sward because although it allowed me to fly under the radar for a bit, I was eventually singled out and interrogated about my trip. Did I know where I'd go? What would I do? Did I have everything I needed? It was totally charming, and ended with some insiders advice on the best spots to explore at Glass Beach.

About an hour down the road I found the suggested parking lot for my long awaited Glass Beech mission! It was really pretty, especially when the sun came out. I sat on some rocks right in the surf (gave up on shoes being dry) and picked through the smooth colorful pieces of glass while Phoenix romped in the waves. I found a few small pieces of cobalt, but most of it was clear, brown or green. It was really pretty when the sun came out and made everything sparkle. I tried to find the museum associated with the beach, but it alluded me. Onward!

I drove for what seemed like forever along hours and hours of winding mountain roads. Without really realizing it, I had crossed into Redwood territory! The trees went so high into the fog that many of them just got lost in the clouds. I hadn't planned on finding that tree you can drive through, but it snuck up on me, and for $5.00 I absolutely had to do it! Again, giddy tourist style, I took a whole bunch of pictures - at least this time I was the only one around ;)

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