Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Yesterday turned out to be all about rest and relaxation!  We left Samantha and Jesse's house in Culver City and chilled in Doug's friend Eric's backyard pretty much all day :) I took a nap in the sunshine and Phoenix totally enjoyed getting to run around!

When Eric got home from work, we went to Pasadena for some really good Indian food! It was nice having a little walking tour of the downtown area too! After all that we went back to the house and split a bottle of wine on the porch. I crashed out pretty early so the guys could hang out.

Today we have been driving all day - still a few more hours till San Jose. I can't believe Doug is leaving tomorrow :( He has been such an awesome road trip buddy, the tone is definitely going to change a bit without him!

We've been trying to stay off highways as much as possible on this trip, so we got on a little scenic road called '1' to ride up the coast. It was hands down the prettiest drive of the trip so far!  After about an hour and a half though we were informed that the road was closed, and the only detour was actually 60 miles behind us. We are at this moment still trying to right ourselves haha at least it was the pretty drive and not some west Texas b.s.!

Our hope for the day was to get to San Jose early enough to find a bar with green beer, but now I think we'd settle for a six pack the hotel room! I think the place were going has wifi so I hope to put up a picture or two from yesterday and today :)

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