Monday, March 14, 2011

Phoenix in Phoenix!

Well, I was hoping to post my next hello from my computer,  but we are stuck in stand-still traffic on the way to Phoenix so it looks like now will suffice!

We woke up slow this morning, sipping coffee and looking at maps. I was blown away when I opened the curtains,  just as I suspected, we were surrounded by huge steep hills! They looked gorgeous against the bright blue sky!

We got out by the promised 11:00am check-out and packed up the cars. We still had some exploring to do around town, so with Phoenix in tow, we walked up and down Brewery Street,  peering in the windows of closed shops and galleries - apparently no one wakes up before 11 around here ;)

One of the first places we saw open was The Stock Exchange, I'm not sure if this bar was as old as it looks, but it definitely dressed the part! Doug had noticed that their Sunday Special included an Amber from the Alaska Brew co.  So we sat on the porch, had our beer and bid farewell to Bisbee.

We picked up some lunch in Douglas and headed out to explore Chiricahua National Monument. Ok, I've seen a whole lot of beautiful over the last couple days, but this place gave me goosebumps! The rock formations were so incredible!!

I can't wait to get my pictures from the hike posted!  We took the Natural Bridge trail, I thought the first quarter of the trail had set out to kill me - unnecessarily steep! Haha, no, it was steep but very well worth it, and I felt great after. The view at the top was breath taking, I've never seen anything like it! We finished our lunch at the trail head and hit the road to Phoenix.

That brings us up to date, and still in traffic! Hope to be writing tomorrow from California :)

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