Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Oxygen Break!

Today I woke up with a huge grin on my face, and I'm pretty sure I smiled all morning long. I think the progress I made in my apartment, coupled with knowing how close I am to moving just set me off on an awesome foot. I went to work, and was insanely productive, got every single thing I set out to do, done! Its really just about tying up loose ends at this point! Its going to feel weird cleaning out my desk, are you supposed to do that on 'company time'? or do you come on your own time to do that? Actually, I'm pretty sure this is my first time leaving a job where I actually had personal things there other than my purse!

After work, I went to get paint for the (now bare) ceiling of my car. People, (or at least I,) should move more. It makes me so motivated and productive! So, I painted the ceiling, one coat today, one more tomorrow. Brandy and Mike kept me company and made fun of my fume-induced giggling. She was right though, no reason not to take an 'oxygen break' ;) So, the ceiling looks pretty good, massive improvement from that droopy headliner!

I hung out with my Mom and Doug for a little while after that, then had dinner with my good friend Samantha. We ate at Hula Hut and my veggie fajitas were really yummy. I'm trying to get all the TexMex food I can before I leave, something tells me it just wont be the same in Alaska ;) I've also heard a nasty roomer that in Alaska they make margaritas with green kool aid and tequila - just the idea makes me a sad bear!

That sort of brings us up to now, I'm not planning to do anything more tonight than watch this Charlie Sheen business everyone has been buzzing about. I have to admit that there was a time in college when I used to follow all the celebrity gossip, total guilty pleasure! But I guess a small delve back into that world wont hurt too bad.

I hope to have a picture of my fresh painted headliner up tomorrow, and perhaps if they're pretty, I'll post a picture of the sushi we're making for dinner tomorrow night! Yummm

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