Monday, February 28, 2011


Well, the price for yesterday was paid today. Work was alright, I got more done than I was really expecting to, but this week is going to require four straight days similar to that. Only four days till I'm unemployed, which is totally liberating, but also a little scary. This stint at the Nature Center has been the longest job I've ever held, but 3+ years is really all that job can last. It has given me the opportunity to work with some of the loveliest people I have yet come across in Austin. It might be akin to my apartment complex, funny priorities lead to funny people ;)

Brandy picked me up from work today and we met Doug for a beer and some food at Billy's. Originally I met Doug working at the Nature Center (he was doing the job I do now,) but he is now an elementary school librarian, and while his job is safe at the moment, he was heading off to a meeting where other jobs were to be voted on. Really sad stuff, I hope they can get their priorities straight before too many good teachers and crucial positions are cut.

Bless her heart, Brandy helped me sort though some things in my apartment - she was only slightly motivated by the fact that she basically got to keep whatever I chose to part with ;) My dirty laundry (while tempting to donate to Goodwill - but, I wont) is really taking over. Must address that soon, maybe tomorrow. Brandy also took the opportunity to basically make sure my head was on straight. Which is her job really, but sometimes I do feel like its a case of the blind leading the blind - not that thats not fun too ;)

I think I'm going to have to make peace with the fact that my apartment is falling apart, and I wont have a 'put-back-together' apartment until I'm in Alaska - again, liberating and also a little scary. Also, I haven't had roommates in a really long over three years, so that will be interesting. Well, thats not true, I lived with Nancy for a few months about a year ago; that went down in flames, but it was fun before that happened! In Alaska I don't think I will have the luxury of being picky, so I'll probably be much more eager to be flexible.

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