Friday, February 25, 2011

Two weeks notice

Today, February 25, 2011 marks three things for me; first, today is the start of my very first blog, second, I now have exactly one week left at my job, and third, two weeks from today I will begin my move to Alaska.

I don't want to spend a lot of this first blog with my reasons for moving, as I'm sure those will pepper themselves in here and there over my journey. Actually, I'm banking on that because most of the time I don't really know why I'm going, and it would be great to be able to reply with something other than 'because its far' or 'why not?' So, we'll see, maybe I'll gain some incite by looking back on this.

Though I've come a fairly long way in getting ready, my progress so far is not really where I would like it to be. I'm really only taking with me some cloths, a few sentiments I would rather not part with, my dog Phoenix, and his kennel. So, the fact that my apartment still contains a couch, a bed, and about a thousand small odds and ends has me fairly stressed out. My coworker Jess just assured me that her and her friends will be coming for the couch ( I love that couch!) they can have it but the only catch is getting it down three stories - should be easier than moving it up, but still I don't think she knows exactly what shes in for.

Today is Friday, which means I have two nights and two days to balance play with work. Play being taking any excuse to hang out with the friends I'm leaving behind, and work being getting everything out to goodwill. By Monday I want to only have the cloths that are coming with me, Phoenix's kennel, and minimal kitchen stuff. I'm only mentioning that to keep myself accountable - by Monday I should be feeling a great deal of relief :)

I do tend to move apartments a lot, I think I last counted 13 places since leaving my parents house. But this, this is a completely different ball game from the short hops around south Austin I'm used to making. There are a lot of things I like about moving, and usually I just love getting rid of the riff raff. But this time in addition to riff raff, I'm getting rid of things I actually like and actually use, which is proving to be challenging. (Did I mention, I love that couch?)

Also, (in a *possible* act of avoidance,) I think I'm going to tackle the headliner in my car this evening. My theory is that years of smoking with the window down on the highway led to the Arabian Nights theme I have going on right now. Its pretty bad, and my road trip buddy has voiced several times that it needs to be fixed pre-trip. So, that still counts as getting ready, god knows I would probably otherwise just continue to ignore it.
Its hard to say whats actually keeping it up there...
I'm really hoping to write everyday, especially once I get on the road. So, stay tuned to see how this headliner business goes, like always, I'm just guessing!

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